Worship with us Sundays at 9:00 am and 10:30 am and Saturdays at 5:00 pm



Knowing Christ and making him known; serving Christ by serving others

we are sunrise

Here at Sunrise United Methodist Church, we believe God's grace is at work in the world and in our lives. That means that we believe God is working in your life, right now, in this moment, in ways you can see it, and ways you can't (yet.) The beauty of grace is that no matter what your life's story is, or where your life has taken you, God has never left you.
We seek to know God's grace by knowing Christ and his story.
We seek to serve Christ by helping others experience God's grace.

Sunrise is an inclusive family of faith where all are welcome and we embody the UMC promise of open hearts, open minds, and open doors.  

worship with us

Sunday Mornings
9:00am & 10:30am

9:00 AWAKENINGS Worship

Awaken: Faith; Awaken: Hope; Awaken: Belonging; Awaken: Spirit; Awakenings!
Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM in the Sanctuary

Our 9:00 service is a vibrant blend of modern and traditional worship songs, led by our band, Bards of Grace. This service is marked by a joyful and praiseful undercurrent that resonates with every Sunrise gathering. We invite all families to worship together, and we welcome children to join us in this inclusive service. For families with children under 3, we provide childcare facilities in our nursery. This worship service is also live-streamed on YouTube at 9:00 AM (MST), allowing everyone to join us, no matter where they are.

10:30 TRADITIONAL Worship

Sunday mornings at 10:30 AM in the Sanctuary

Our traditional worship service is distinctive with a unique Sunrise touch! It incorporates recognizable elements such as hymns led by our Worship Choir and Orchestra, clergy often wear robes, a collective opening liturgy, and an affirmation of faith. These are all woven together with the consistent thread of joy and praise that characterizes every Sunrise gathering. We offer childcare facilities in our nursery for children under the age of 3 during the service. Children above the age of 3 are heartily welcomed to join us in worship or go to Sunday school after the children’s moment. 

Jesus Said "Let them come"

Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not stop them, for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.” We set our vision on the future, and respond to Christ with a clear, loud, call “Let them come.”

During the week you will find kids learning their ABC’s in a preschool classroom or playing with other kids in the nursery. On Sunday morning, you will find kids in the atrium eating snacks, playing with one another, and after service, you’ll find kids exploring the sanctuary. When you enter Sunrise, what you would see are kids full of curiosity,  with free and wild hearts not yet touched by the pains of this world… you will see children that know that Sunrise is a safe place for them. We are convinced that Sunrise helps shape the lives of the children in our care in ways that we will never know. We are showing them God’s abundant grace, giving them a place where they can find true belonging, and shaping them into the type of people that serve Christ by serving others. We are making a difference in their lives that they will carry with them through their entire lives. There are hundreds of kids whose lives we touch each and every week. Sunrise is the type of community that shares the love of God with children and their families through the Sparks children’s ministry, the Sunrise Preschool, scouts, MOPS (Mother of Preschoolers), backpack, food, and toy drives, and countless other ways.

The Sunrise community is making a difference in the lives of children across the Briargate area. We are committed to continuing the work that we started over 40 years ago in a preschool room on the other side of Interstate 25. We will help shape the next generation, by giving our kids the gift of love that they will carry with them out into the world. You are invited to join us in sharing the love of Christ and making a difference in the lives of the kids in our community.