The Mission
The mission of Sunrise United Methodist Church is "knowing Christ making him known; Serving Christ by serving others."
We "know Christ" by reading his story in Scripture. We learn what it means for him to interact with a Samaritan woman at a well, a blind man by a healing pond, and forgiving from a cross. We see his heart for people in the stories he shared, and the way he loved them with word and action.
We make Christ known by sharing the same love for the people we encounter. We embody God's love for the outcast, the outsider, and the oppressed. Christ is known through our love, in word and action.
We serve Christ by serving others. The more we know Christ, the more we know who he serves, and the lengths he would go to share God's love. So, we serve him, by serving others through acts of generosity, kindness, love, and compassion with courage and grace.
We "know Christ" by reading his story in Scripture. We learn what it means for him to interact with a Samaritan woman at a well, a blind man by a healing pond, and forgiving from a cross. We see his heart for people in the stories he shared, and the way he loved them with word and action.
We make Christ known by sharing the same love for the people we encounter. We embody God's love for the outcast, the outsider, and the oppressed. Christ is known through our love, in word and action.
We serve Christ by serving others. The more we know Christ, the more we know who he serves, and the lengths he would go to share God's love. So, we serve him, by serving others through acts of generosity, kindness, love, and compassion with courage and grace.
The journey
Sunrise United Methodist Church is on an eternal journey to bring God's healing presence to our broken world by loving all of the families in our care, creating a safe place to wrestle with our understanding of God and God's work in the world, and welcoming all in to a place they belong, then sending everyone out into the world to embody God's love.